Monday, December 30, 2013

A SLP's 2014 Resolutions

Well, friends, it's almost 2014, which means it's time to make some resolutions!  I wanted to limit my resolutions to just a handful and I wanted to make sure they were easy to follow through with.  It's small changes that can make a big difference!  So, looking into the new year, here are my professional resolutions:
1.  Acknowledge my kiddos' accomplishments in a BIG way.  Who doesn't like to be recognized for their achievements? Of course, I'll continue with the verbal praise, but I want to take extra steps in letting my students know how proud I am of their hard work.  Time to start using my Awards and Certificates for SLPs more (which is on sale for extremely cheap at SuperDuperInc by the way) and start incorporating some of the cute ideas I've seen on Pinterest, such as the Spotted Using Good Speech behavior management system.  It's always good to send a note of praise home as well!

2.  Set aside time for some serious collaborating and consulting.  Although I do collaborate and consult with teachers, I want to step up that part of my services by making that time more consistent and efficient.  This means doing some education workshops and being better about scheduling specific times to consult, rather than talking for five minutes while I'm on my way to pick up a student.

3.  Learn more about language therapy.  So far, in my 2.5 years of my career, I have done a lot of professional development on articulation, autism, apraxia, executive functioning, and English language learners.  Time to get back to some basics and refresh on some language therapy techniques!

4.  Be more consistent in incorporating core curriculum and classroom units into therapy.  This goes back to number 2, doing more collaboration with teachers and really working together to incorporate their goals into the curriculum and vise versa.  

5.  Less pinning and more creating.  I have a good number of awesome therapy ideas pinned to my account that I have never implemented.  Time to get the creative juices flowing and start implementing some of those fun ideas!

What are your resolutions or what are some resolutions you have accomplished this past year?

Happy Speeching!


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